Suppressed diabetes Methods – Fasting + Probiotics

18 May

Recently, researchers from the University of Auckland study found very low calorie diet and the intake of probiotics may help inhibit the occurrence of diabetes.
Suppressed diabetes Methods - fasting + probiotics
Who led the study, researchers Rinki Murphy won the New Zealand Health Research Council funding of 149,000 dollars for the study of probiotics on prediabetes; in real life, he said, effectively inhibit the progress of prediabetes, type 2 diabetes has become very critical, and the difficult by lifestyle interventions to suppress. Inhibitory effect of specific probiotic strains of type 2 diabetes can help reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes and can improve insulin sensitivity and body weight of the patient.

For this study, researchers will detect specific Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) way to reduce blood sugar, inhibiting effect of prediabetes at different doses, and to assess the distribution of body fat study by MRI scanning method case; the researchers want to study to determine whether inhibition of type 2 diabetes intermittent fasting method may be adopted so that the beneficial effects of probiotic supplementation is amplified.

Murphy said about 10 percent a year will develop prediabetes become type 2 diabetes, while patients suffer a higher risk of death and cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that as of 2021 in New Zealand will have 50 million people suffering from type 2 diabetes, and these patients will be treated each year will spend $ 1 billion. Lifestyle can help ward off prediabetes, but many people find it difficult to stick with it; and taking certain drugs, such as metformin, acarbose may be effective in treating diabetes, but these drugs has certain side effects, and is not suitable for long-term use.

Therefore, the use of probiotics to suppress the occurrence of diabetes may be a safe and effective way to present substantial evidence that the gut microbiota can affect the body extract energy from food, hunger, inflammation and glucose metabolism, resulting in type 2 diabetes processes do play an important role; probiotics can help to improve the intestinal flora, while making the intestinal flora to become healthier; can improve prediabetes once researchers studying determine whether Lactobacillus rhamnosus supplements and optimal dose, the researchers will conduct extensive research to confirm.

A recent study found that overweight people on short-term strict calorie restriction or significantly alter the composition of the intestinal flora; and finally the researcher says Murphy, is currently intermittent fasting and probiotic therapy growing in popularity, but we need randomized clinical trials to confirm its effect, later we will conduct extensive research to clarify intermittent fasting and probiotic potential role and mechanism of inhibition of diabetes.