San Francisco sheds light on a new mode of drug resistance to emerging therapies in metastatic prostate cancer

6 Dec
San Francisco sheds light on a new mode of drug resistance to emerging therapies in metastatic prostate cancer

The symptoms of prostate cancer can generally be divided into four stages.The symptoms of prostate cancer development to the late stage cancer cells will appear bone metastasis and other organs are affected, and so on. What are the symptoms of … Read More »

A novel class of antimicrobials that fighting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

2 Dec
A novel class of antimicrobials that fighting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Antibiotics are a class of secondary metabolites with anti-pathogen or other activity by the micro-organisms (including bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes genus) or higher plants and animals in the process of life arising, can interfere with the development of other living cells … Read More »