You should be know about Bad breath in children

23 Nov

An open mouth stink can embarrass you,especially in child’s healthy.What’s kind of reasons and how we should do? look below told you.Bad breath in children

Smelly breath, also known as ‘Halitosis'(hal-uh-toe-sis), is a common disorder among adults and children alike. If your child is going through the same, don’t panic yet. It is very easy to treat the condition of bad breath during childhood, and doing so will prevent an occurrence in the future.

On the other hand, if left unchecked, this petty disorder in your child can grow into serious medical ailments and child’s health hazards. In some cases, the brain itself acclimatizes the senses to ignore the rancid smell.

Why Children Are More Prone to Bad Breath?

While you may feel worried that the condition will persist in your child, understanding the reasons as to what causes bad breath will help you control the same in your child.

Some of the most common reasons for bad breath in children are:

1. Sweets:

Keeping your child away from sweets may not be a practical thing to do. Your child may often tend to enjoy chocolates, sweets and candies, no matter how much you try to keep them away.

Many of these products are extensively caramelized and hence stick to the rugged edges of the teeth.
If the gaps between the teeth are not cleaned properly by brushing or flossing, it can cause the teeth to corrode. This is more commonly known as tooth decay.
What begins as a minor irritation due to some food hiding between the teeth can easily take the shape of a major problem if not given heed in due course of time.

2. Over Sleeping:

Sometimes, children tend to sleep a lot owing to their over exertion.

Long sleeping hours result in a closed mouth cavity for a longer interval.
If your child sleeps with the mouth open, the situation can be even worse. New bacteria can easily find their way into your child’s mouth. This is an optimum setup for the bacteria to work and reproduce.
As soon as a child’s mouth closes in sleep, the salivary amylase and the muscles relax in the mouth.
Roughly 600 bacteria thrive in an average mouth. In most cases, these get trapped and fall beneath the tongue and in and around the areas of the gums.
Soon, the mouth becomes dry and the bacteria start multiplying itself.
The already stuck sugar particles, dry mouth and the presence of a zillion bacteria lead to tooth decaying and plaque forming on the teeth.
Dry mouth can also be caused due to chewing and sucking of clothes and blankets, sucking the thumb and by various medicines.
Your child may not realize the damage that can result due to infected tooth cavities and decaying teeth and gums. Hence, it is your responsibility as a parent to check their brushing, flossing and routine dental checkups.

Typical Causes Of Bad Breath In Children:

It is a misconception that children who don’t brush their teeth end up having Halitosis.

The rancid smell in the mouth can also be caused due to:

Unclean tongue
Troubled oral hygiene
Other serious medical conditions
The mouth has one opening from the stomach and the other towards the cavities. This can lead it to emit a conclusive smell of all the ducts connected to it.

How To Spot Halitosis In Children?

Make sure you keep an eye on the following symptoms of bad breathsymptoms of bad breat in children that will help you spot the condition in its initial stages:

Ask your child to lick the back of his hand strongly with the tongue.
Let it dry for a few seconds.
Smell the place to see if there is any unbearably strong rotten smell.
The rotten smell will be characteristic to a rotten egg smell.
This is the smell of sulfide which is formed upon the breakdown of amino acids and other food particles in the mouth.
Sugary foods help in the bacterial reproduction and plaque formation. Acidic foods like lemon, orange, grapefruit, tomato, beef, egg and pepper can also provide the favorable acidic environment in the mouth for the bacteria to reproduce. Fibrous and sticky food can also help in the drastic increase of bacteria.
Some Ways to Counter Bad Breath In Kids:

While this can be a very embarrassing situation for you as a parent, there are a few ways by which you can get rid of bad breath in a child or limit the damage:

Make sure your child takes ten minutes to brush the teeth and another ten minutes to clean the tongue, twice a day. You must inculcate this habit in your child as soon as possible before he or she starts becoming too embarrassed on your keeping a check.

Your child should rinse the mouth for at least five minutes daily with fragrant and minty solutions.

Ensure your child reduces the consumption of sweets, candies and chocolates.
Consult a dentist periodically to diagnose any tonsil-stones, phlegm, and tooth decay.

Let your child rinse the mouth repeatedly throughout the day.

Reflux is a condition in which the food comes back from the stomach and causes frequent gagging. This can also be an obvious suggestion of Halitosis.

This is often triggered due to excess consumption of dairy products.

Make brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning fun for your child. Buy multi-flavored floss along with rotary and colorful toothbrushes for your kid.

Increase the chewing of sugar-free minty chewing gums.

Make your child drink lots of water throughout the day to keep his mouth moistened and hydrated.

Check your child’s mouth to see if there are clogged up food remnant and debris.

Learn to distinguish their breath to check if they are swallowing disinfectants and other fatal liquids that lie around the house.

Let them have crunchy fruits like apple, raw mango and such after each meal to clean the debris from the mouth.

Make your child brush after each meal if the breath is too smelly.

A proper dental hygiene for your child can prevent anxiety, depression, isolation, infections, teeth plaque, teeth decay and other serious medical conditions in future.

There are a number of factors that will determine your child’s confidence in the ability to do well in life. Suffering from bad breath can prove to be a huge deterrent in your child’s path of success!

So follow these steps to make your child more health.