7 ways to beat ‘spring sleepiness’

11 Aug

7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'While the rest of the world is waking up as the weather turns warm, our bodies may not respond the same way. Many of us may share the same feeling of inexplicable drowsiness as we embrace spring, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a term for it: chunkun, “spring sleepiness”.

Although spring sleepiness is not an illness, the following tips might be essential for those who really need to stay awake.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'

1.Don’t sleep, exercise more
Eight hours of sleep is enough.Sleep time could reduce the activity of the brain cortex, make you sleepy.On the contrary, slightly increase your physical activity level, this will help to send more oxygen to the brain, make us feel awake, energetic.Aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming and rope skipping, recommended.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'

2.With caffeine, but not too much
A cup of coffee or tea, contains large amounts of caffeine is good for health, but also important occasions, it’s important that we keep alert to such an important meeting.However, too much coffee may accelerate heartbeat, anxiety and other symptoms may be linked to heart problems.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'

3.More protein and fruit, eat less greasy food
Modern research has found that insufficient sleep in spring is usually associated with protein, vitamins and acid internal imbalance.Feel the light and alert, eat more high protein food, such as salmon and eggs, is rich in vitamins, such as oranges and lemons and alkaline food, such as fresh vegetables.Greasy food and alcohol can have the opposite effect.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'4.Cold water on your face
If a cup of coffee won’t let you stay awake long enough, try to use cold water to face, always let a person find everything new and fresh.Also try and mint – scented toothpaste, or use mouthwash.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'

5.Get some fresh air
Ensure that the air flow in your office and bedroom.Bad air flow can lead to a lack of oxygen, this will affect the performance of the brain.Outdoor is close to nature.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'

6.Drink enough water
Try to always beside you have a bottle of water, because it can help eliminate toxins accumulated, to help fight the spring fatigue.You can also add lemon ginger, chicken broth is rich in vitamins.


7 ways to beat 'spring sleepiness'
7.Wake up to find your natural fragrance
Aromatic oil, plants, or the grass is a kind of sense to wake up.Try to put a pot of fresh mint and basil in your desk, or apply some spicy von you calm, a special medicated oil is used to relieve headache and minor aches and pains.