To Introduce A New Fish Oil For You

10 Jul

OK really a study showing fish oil causes prostate cancer.

What will they conjure up next? Maybe that organic vegetables cause pimples?

Dozens of previous studies have shown fish oil decreased risk of prostate cancer and this “thing” wasn’t even a randomized, controlled study. The men in the “study” hadn’t been taking fish oil but just had higher levels of Omega 3 ‘s in their blood. This could have come from anywhere including GMO salmon.

The one important piece to take from this: it is important to know the manufacturers of your supplements. Taking fish oil is important. Take a look at the thousands of studies supporting it from cardiovascular to brain health benefits but you want it from a reliable source ( one that takes out the mercury). Check with us for recommendations.

The other concern about this kind of information – why was this study on the front page of the paper and not the huge, randomized studies that show cholesterol drugs increase risk of Type 2 Diabetes or that Prilosec increases risk of colon cancer?

Who is controlling the flow of our communication?