Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Increased Bacterial Infection of HeLa Cells

30 Apr

Nano Titanium dioxide is a white loose powder, UV shielding effect of strong, good dispersion and weather resistance. Can be used in the field of cosmetics, functional fibers, plastics, coatings, paints, etc., as an ultraviolet shielding agent against UV rays. It can also be used for high-grade automotive finishes with a flip-flop effect.
Exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases bacterial infection of HeLa cellsWhen human cells are exposed to the sun from the titanium dioxide UV light does not exist on the risk of bacterial infections more than doubled. The discovery by a research team led by Stony Brook University in the early online magazine published nanobiotechnology, raises concerns exposed to titanium dioxide, in millions of products worldwide, from cosmetics to toothpaste, chewing gum , commonly used food coloring nanoparticles and drugs.

Since some 4 million tons of titanium dioxide particles produced in the world, human exposure to them is almost certain in life. In combination with UV light, the nanoparticles shown to prevent bacterial activity and therefore investigated the antibacterial applications. However, in the paper entitled “exposure to titanium dioxide nanopartices increase HeLa cells Staphylococcus aureus infection,” the researchers found that, in the absence of these powerful rays, bacteria thrive.

“We found that the titanium dioxide nanoparticles of the immune system to produce an almost” perfect storm “when they are not by the impact of ultraviolet light,” ritual Rafailovich, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department said in a Distinguished Professor at the College Stony Brook University co-authored the paper with the application of science and engineering. “This should raise a red flag about relates in the absence of ultraviolet light exposure to titanium dioxide products.”

The researchers, through Materials Science and Engineering, Dr. Tatsiana Mironava expose some of HeLa cells led human cell lines used in this study, titanium dioxide. Plus MSE Dr. Yan Xu and Stephen Walker, a microbiologist at Stony Brook School of Stomatology, they then exposed the cells of Staphylococcus aureus, a worldwide human infections caused by a wide variety of pathogens. They found that cells exposed to titanium dioxide is 250% to 350% more per unit than the bacteria are not exposed to nanoparticles HeLa cells. In addition, exposure to titanium dioxide uptake macrophages to kill bacteria reduction compared with 40% of the bacteria to other cells, further increasing the risk of infection.

The authors concluded that the combination of these factors, “Improving the impact of exposure to nanoparticles of titanium dioxide on the organism resistance to bacterial infections serious concern.”