Studies Have Shown That The Vaccine Seems Greater in The Morning Vaccination Provides Immune Response

28 Apr

A recent study showed that influenza vaccination in the morning might be more effective.
Studies Have Shown That The Vaccine Seems Greater in The Morning Vaccination Provides Immune ResponseBritish researchers evaluated 276 over 65 years between 2011 to 2013 were inoculated three different strains of influenza patients. These patients are at 9:00 ~ 11:00 and 15:00 ~ vaccinated between 5:00.

The researchers found that, within one month, in the morning to participate in the vaccinated group, there are two flu vaccine antibodies increase in the number of antibody after vaccination. However, a third strain of flu was no significant difference in the morning group and the afternoon group.

“We know that the immune response in a day, there will be fluctuations, we have to check whether this volatility will expand antibody response to the vaccine,” lead researcher Anna Phillips said. She comes from sports, exercise and rehabilitation School of the University of Birmingham.

“We found in the morning vaccine will be more effective, which not only helps vaccination policy may also provide clues for improving vaccination strategies,” Phillips said in a university news release.

According to the study’s co-author Janet Lord, “Every year, a large number of resources to try to prevent influenza infection, especially in the elderly, but only less than half of the antibody are adequately protected.”

Lord, a professor with the Institute on Aging University inflammation, he said: “Our findings suggest that, by the time of vaccination can be changed to improve the effect of the morning, and at no extra cost.

The researchers said they plan to conduct a large-scale study time influenza vaccines to test their hypothesis. They will also check if the pneumococcal vaccine in the morning if possible to improve the effectiveness of a vaccine to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine.