30 Days Workout These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism

10 Nov

You want to have a healthy body!Do it!30 Days Workout These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism

All-Over Toning Exercises
Our Drop 10 Pounds plan makes weight loss super simple:

1. Do the head-to-toe toning moves twice a week.

2. Aim for any three of the weekly fat-melting cardio sessions.

3. Follow our easy, treats-included diet. Ready, set…

How It Works

Do these dozen toners twice a week to firm up all over. “Each total-body strengthener sculpts muscle fibers you’ve probably never reached before,” says New York City celebrity trainer Justin Gelband, who designed this amazingly effective session exclusively for FITNESS. Perform the workout as a mix-and-match circuit of your choice: Pick one exercise for each body part until you’ve done one set of all 12 exercises — in whatever order you like!

What You’ll Need

A pair of 3- to 8-pound dumbbells and a mat

Super Leg Slimmers
The following set of exercises targets quads, hamstrings, hips, butt, calves — plus firms abs, triceps, biceps, and shoulders.

Perfect Your Form

Get the most out of these lunge-based moves by nailing the basics: Standing, take a large step forward with left foot and bend left knee 90 degrees so that it’s aligned over left ankle and right knee is bent 90 degrees toward floor.

Make It Easier

Step backward into a lunge rather than forward — this makes the move more joint-friendly.

Turn Up the Burn

After each rep, quickly bring back knee toward chest, then return foot to floor.30 Days Workout These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism

Leg-Slimming Exercise: Arabesque

Holding a dumbbell in each hand by sides, lunge forward with left leg and hold for 1 count.
Straighten left leg as you lift right leg behind you to come up to standing, then tilt torso forward and raise straight left arm diagonally forward. (Beginners can keep right toes on floor.)
Lower arms and legs, then repeat lifts.
Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Leg-Slimming Exercise: Salute
Holding a dumbbell in each hand by sides, lunge forward with left leg.
To start, bend left arm to bring elbow forward at nose level.
Holding upper arm steady throughout, raise left hand diagonally to straighten arm as you straighten legs.
Bend arm and knees to return to start.
Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Leg-Slimming Exercise: Static Lunge Kick-Back
Holding a dumbbell in each hand by sides, lunge forward with left leg.
Rest left arm on left thigh and bend right elbow back to bring hand near armpit.
Holding upper arm steady, extend right forearm straight back.
Maintaining lunge, bend elbow to return to start.
Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Amazing Ab Flatteners
These exercises target abdominals — plus tone hips and hamstrings.

Perfect Your Form

Take this quick crunch refresher: Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor. (For the moves below, you’ll start with feet lifted, knees bent 90 degrees, shins parallel to floor.) Place hands lightly behind head, elbows out to sides. Contract abs to lift shoulders off floor, then lower.

Make It Easier

Keep one foot on floor during moves.

Turn Up the Burn

Do the crunches and leg movements at the same time instead of alternating them.

Ab-Flattening Exercise: Alternating Abs

From crunch start position (feet in air), straighten left leg directly over hip while keeping right knee bent.
Using abs, lift hips to pulse legs up. Lower.
Keeping legs still, crunch, then lower to complete 1 rep.
Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Ab-Flattening Exercise: Wiper Blade
From crunch start position (feet in air), extend right arm to ceiling.
Crunch and lower.
Bring right arm between knees as you crunch up. Return to start.
Next, bring right arm by left leg as you crunch. Return to start to complete 1 rep.
Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Ab-Flattening Exercise: Cowboy Crunch
From crunch start position (feet in air), lower bent left shin out to left side about 12 inches to 10 o’clock position.
Keeping legs still, crunch and lower.
Maintaining knee bend, tap left foot to floor, then raise it again to complete 1 rep.
Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
The Best Butt Toners
These butt exercises target butt, hips, quads — plus tone obliques and hamstrings.

Perfect Your Form

Master the squat and you’ll breeze through these moves! Stand with legs hip-width apart, feet parallel. (Starting foot positions vary where noted.) Bend knees, keeping them aligned over ankles, lowering butt until thighs are parallel to floor. Allow torso to lean forward for counterbalance. Press into heels and straighten legs to return to start.

Make It Easier

Sink down so that knees are slightly bent but thighs are not parallel to floor.

Turn Up the Burn

Between reps, press up twice as fast as you usually do.

Butt-Toning Exercise: Sumo Twist

Stand with legs more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly.
Press knuckles of fists together in front of chest, elbows out to sides at shoulder height.
Squat, then return to standing and immediately rotate torso to right, lifting right knee toward left elbow.
Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Butt-Toning Exercise: Side Hinge
Stand with legs more than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly.
Place hands behind head, elbows out to sides.
Squat; return to standing as you lift left knee toward left elbow.
Switch sides; repeat. Do 15 reps on each side.

Butt-Toning Exercise: 360-Degree Kick
Squat, hands in fists near chest.
Rise halfway into a semi-squat and lift right knee toward chest.
Extend right leg to kick forward, foot flexed.
Without touching foot to floor, bend knee toward chest again.
Kick to right side. Return knee to chest.
Kick straight back to complete 1 rep.
Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Upper-Body Exercises
These upper-body exercises target abs, obliques, back, shoulders, arms — and they work your hamstrings.

Perfect Your Form

Get into full push-up pose. Start on hands and knees, hands under shoulders. Extend legs back, making a straight line from heels to head.

Make It Easier

Keep knees on floor in modified push-up position.

Turn Up the Burn

Add a leg lift at the end of each rep.

Upper-Body Exercise: Double Cross

From full push-up, place feet wide to start.
Lift right leg, cross it over left leg, and tap right toes on floor. Return to start.
Lift left leg, cross it over right leg, and tap left toes.
Return to start to complete 1 rep. Do 8 reps.

Upper-Body Exercise: Plank Twist
From full push-up, lift right arm straight up, twisting torso to open to side but keeping feet in place. (Beginners can place feet wider for better balance.)
Look up at hand. Hold for 2 counts.
Return to start, switch arms, and repeat to complete 1 rep. Do 8 reps.

Upper-Body Exercise: X Reach
From full push-up, lift left arm diagonally out to left at shoulder height. Hold for 2 counts; lower.
Lift right leg diagonally out to right at hip height. Hold for 2 counts; lower.
Repeat with right arm, then left leg to complete rep. Do 8 reps.

Fat-Melting Cardio
We’ve crunched the numbers on your fave cardio to show you how to hit what experts call the weight-loss zone: 300 calories burned. Do three sessions a week (stick with one go-to, mix it up, or pick any other fun activity not listed). You’ll not only downsize body fat but also supersize your energy!

Aim for These Shed-Weight Sweet Spots

Moderate intensity minutes*
Snowshoeing 35
Elliptical trainer 40
Stationary biking 40
Aerobics 43
Hiking on flat trails 47
Run/walk workout 47
Playing with kids/pets 70
Walking (3.5 mph) 74
Faster Burn minutes*
Cross-country skiing 31
Stairclimber 31
Spinning, moderate 27
Kickboxing 28
Hiking up hills 40
Jogging 10-minute mile 28
Playing touch football 35
Backpacking 4

How the Plan Worked for Our Testers
“I dropped a dress size.”
“I went from a size 6 to a pre-baby size 4! The plan is totally doable if you’re a mom — I did the moves as my 1-year-old, Johanna, ‘exercised’ on her mat.”
— Hallie Levine Sklar, 35, Stamford, Connecticut

“I lost 10 pounds.”
“I travel for work a lot, which can make weight loss tough. But having my weekly exercise sessions and meals mapped out helped me stay on track.”
— Simmone Chaddan, 26, New York, New York

“I trimmed six inches.”
“My tape measure was extra motivation: I lost two inches from my waist and hips and one from each thigh!”
— Marijani Rakiep, 43, Hempstead, New York
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