Used To Track Movement Disorders Fda New Generation Pkg Watches Clearance

22 Sep


Global Kinetics Corporation won FDA clearance for its new, second generation PKG (Personal KinetiGraph) watch, a tool that can help monitor patients with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s and essential tremor.

The new device was made to be smaller and more comfortable for its users. It also includes a touch sensitive screen that provides basic info on the state of the device. The PKG looks like a modern retro-looking watch, perhaps on purpose so that elderly patients, which are the largest group with movement disorders, will not be overwhelmed by it.

It’s water resistant and is intended to be worn continuously, which is a big improvement over the previous generation device that was only intended to be worn for up to ten days. While the person goes about their days, the PKG watch records arm movements which can later be evaluated by a medical professional via a series of charts.

Product page: KinetiGraph…

Via: Global Kinetics…